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Flota rusa ramane la Sevastopol si dupa 2017

Rusia si Ucraina au ajuns la un acord pentru prelungirea prezentei flotei ruse a Marii Negre si dupa anul 2017, a anuntat miercuri presedintele rus, Dmitri Medvedev, in cursul unei vizite in Ucraina, informeaza Mediafax. Conform acordului incheiat intre cele doua state in 1997, flota rusa a Marii Negre poate …

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Serbia: Indictee in Pukanic Case Pleads Not Guilty

Presenting his 30-page defence of charges of organising the murder of Ivo Pukanic, publisher of the Croatian weekly Nacional, suspected crime boss Sreten Jocic, aka Joca Amsterdam, said he had “no motive” to commit the crime. Speaking at the beginning of the trial before the Special Court in Belgrade on …

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Moratinos: Spain supports Serbia

Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos said that Spain is ready to continue to offer help to Serbia on its path to European integration. “Spain will invest all possible efforts to speed up Serbia’s European Union association,” Moratinos said after meeting with his Serbian counterpart Vuk Jeremić on Wednesday in …

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