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Kosovo must meet conditions for visa-free regime

Kosovo faces a series of technical requirements before the process of lifting its visa regime with EU countries begins, reforms that include “reintegration and repatriation”, Khaldoun Sinno, chief of the Political, Economic and European Integration Section at the European Commission (EC) Liaison Office in Pristina said on Monday. The EC …

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MAE: Nu l-am invitat pe Dalai Lama in Romania. Tibetul apartine Chinei

Autoritatile romane nu au formulat invitatii catre Dalai Lama sau reprezentantii sai pentru a vizita Romania, iar Bucurestiul recunoaste existenta unei singure Chine, din care face parte si Tibetul, a comunicat, marti, Ministerul Afacerilor Externe (MAE), raspunzand unei solicitari Mediafax. MAE precizeaza ca Romania “recunoaste principiul existentei unei singure Chine, …

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EU Parliament member: Lifting visa requirements for BiH by December 19

The liberalization of the visa regime with the EU is likely to enter into force at the end of the year, EU Parliament member Jelko Kacin said. “I think it is right to say that lifting visa requirements for Bosnia and Herzegovina might enter into force on December 19

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