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Srebrenica war crimes suspect arrested

Srebrenica war crimes suspect Franc Kos was arrested at the border crossing Osijek, Croatia. Bosnia-Herzegovina has an international warrant out for his arrest. Kos was a member of the 10th commando detachment of the Army of the Republic

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Moldova’s interim president: Russia isn`t honest when speaking about Transnistria

“Unfortunately, Russia maintains, directly or indirectly, this artificial country, called Transnistria. It is well known that Transnistria does not pay Russia for the gas supplied by “Gazprom”. This fact proves once again that Russia is not honest when stating that it stands for solving the transnistrian issue”, interim president Mihai …

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Delić sahranjen uz najviše vojne počasti

SARAJEVO Rasim Delić, bivši komandant Armije RBiH, sahranjen je u ponedjeljak u šehidskom mezarju Kovači u Sarajevu. Dženazi, koju je predvodio reis-ul-ulema Islamske zajednice u BiH Mustafa efendija Cerić, prisustvovalo je nekoliko hiljada građana, među kojima su, između ostalih, bili predsjedavajući Predsjedništva BiH Haris Silajdžić te čelnici parlamenta BiH, Vijeća …

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