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Montenegro to deliver additional answers to EC

The government will deliver its answers to additional questions on the EC questionnaire Monday (April 12th). Montenegrin authorities received 673 extra questions in early March. The first set of answers was submitted in December 2009.

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Kurti petition to be sent to international community

A petition against the trial of Vetevendosje (Self-Determination) movement leader Albin Kurti will be sent to the UN, the EU and to the Council of Europe. The council opposing the trial announced on Sunday (April 11th) that the

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Zbog nepovjerenja nema ni dogovora

Povjerenje među političkim liderima u BiH potpuno je srušeno nakon pada aprilskog paketa ustavnih promjena zbog čega su svi naredni pregovori okončani skoro potpuno bezuspješno. Smatra to Mladen Ivanić, predsjednik PDP-a, i učesnik skoro svih političkih pregovora koji su počeli prije pet godina pregovorima o promjeni Ustava, a rezultirali tzv. …

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