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Romania to host US missile defence shield

Romania has agreed to host rocket interceptors in what appears to be a revamped version of the US missile defence shield. Romania’s President Trian Basescu said participation was approved after an invitation from Washington. Russia is expected to make a statement soon but Basescu insisted the move, which still needs …

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Preparations required for Gruevski- Papandreou meeting

After Macedonian Prime Minister (PM) Nikola Gruevski has sent an invitation for a meeting to his Greek counterpart George Papandreou, the Greek government announced such things require preparation. “Mr Gruevski has proposed to hold meeting with Papandreou. Mr Papandreou’s answer to the invitation is that such things require preparations,” the …

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Zatražen pritvor za sedmoricu vehabija

SARAJEVO Tužilaštvo BiH predložilo je jednomjesečni pritvor za sedmoricu pripadnika vehabijskog pokreta uhapšenih u utorak u Gornjoj Maoči kod Brčkog. Potvrdio je ovo juče Boris Grubešić, glasnogovornik Tužilaštva BiH. “Sedam osoba koje su uhapšene u združenoj policijskoj akciji danas su predate Tužilaštvu BiH. Oni su osumnjičeni za ugrožavanje teritorijalne cjelovitosti …

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