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Džozef MekmilanČ Država mora biti u stanju da donosi odluke

Ustavom BiH je precizirano da se odluka o ulasku BiH u NATO donosi na državnom, a ne na entitetskom nivou, istakao je Džozef Mekmilan, pomoćnik zamjenika ministra odbrane SAD, komentarišući mogućnost da se građani BiH na referendumu izjasne o ulasku zemlje u NATO. “Koliko mi je poznato, važeći ustav BiH …

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Karadžić case to proceed March 1

The trail of former Republic of Srpska president Radovan Karadžić will restart on March 1, according to presiding Judge O-Gon Kwon. The decision for continuing the process was also an answer to the verbal demand of Karadžić, who is defending himself, to postpone the trial again, claiming that he has …

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EULEX: Progress in north only by dialogue

The EU mission in Kosovo, EULEX, today said that it “firmly believes that progress in the north of Kosovo can be made only by dialogue”. A statement from the mission’s press service further said that this could be achieved by involving all communities concerned, “and step by step”. The statement …

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