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Poštovati odluke visokog predstavnika

BRISEL, SARAJEVO, BANJALUKA Ministri vanjskih poslova EU upozorili su političke predstavnike u BiH da ne osporavaju autoritet visokog predstavnika međunarodne zajednice za BiH te da provode njegove odluke. Vijeće EU na istoj je sjednici odlučilo da produži mandat svoje vojne misije u BiH. “EU podvlači svoju potpuno opredijeljenost teritorijalnom integritetu …

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Croatia reacts to Tadić’s UNSC speech

Croatia wrote a letter to the UN Security Council stating that Serbian President Boris Tadić’s address regarding this country was “unfounded.” Croatia believes that Tadić “used the Kosovo debate” to make an “unfounded response” to outgoing Croat President Stjepan Mesić’s statements that he would intervene militarily against Serbs in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

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Spanish envoy on EU application, Kosovo

Spanish ambassador Inigo de Palacio Espana said that there is no confirmed date for forwarding Serbia’s candidacy application to the EUCouncil of Ministers. “The EU-Serbia meeting will include political dialogue, not a formal meeting and it is hard to say whether there will be a conclusion reached for the date …

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