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Sweden to open embassy in Moldova by year’s end

The Swedish government announced Thursday, January 21, it would open 10 new embassies, including in the Republic of Moldova, to strengthen Sweden’s presence in the countries which benefit from Swedish aid programs. Besides Moldova, Swedish embassies will open in Albania, Kosovo, Georgia and a number of African countries. At the …

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SNSD nije protiv popisa i dijaspore

SNSD ne protivi se popisu svih državljana BiH, bez obzira na to da li žive u zemlji ili su u dijaspori, rekao je juče Lazar Prodanović, zamjenik predsjedavajućeg Kluba poslanika SNSD-a u Predstavničkom domu parlamenta BiH. Poslanici su u četvrtak odbacili zakon o popisu u prvom čitanju, između ostalog, jer …

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EULEX takes over Kurti case

EULEX police spokesperson Karin Limdal confirmed that EULEX has taken over the case of Self-Determination leader Albin Kurti from UNMIK. She said that the process being led against him will continue on February 15 before the Priština District Court. Limdal said that it is a continuation of a case that …

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