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UN Security Council to discuss Kosovo

The UN Security Council will debate on the situation in Kosovo in New York this Friday, at a session to be addressed by the Serbian President Boris Tadić. Tadić is due to speak at the council at 21:00 CET. The session will consider the latest three-monthly report of UN Secretary …

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Quarrel at EP over Macedonia

The last sitting of the European Parliament (EP) delegation in Strasbourg on Wednesday, held to work out the details around the meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Committee EU-Macedonia scheduled for February 18-19 in Skopje, ended up with a severe discussion, which looked like a quarrel between German and Greek MEPs. …

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Bosnian parliament meets last condition before visa liberalization

Bosnian MPs passed the amendments and supplements to the Criminal Code, which was the last condition before the lifting of the visa regime in the European Union. Thus, the Bosnian parliament met all conditions on the road map for liberalization of the visa regime for Bosnian citizens before the arrival …

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