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Câtă Moldovă şi câtă Rusie?

„De fapt, am o hartă a conductelor de gaz cu mine…” (Catherine Ashton, „ministrul de Externe” a Europei, 11.01.09) Precizarea făcută de baroneasa Catherine Ashton, Înaltul reprezentant pentru politica externă şi de securitate a Uniunii Europene, la audierile de la Parlamentul European este semnificativă pentru „harta mentală” a unuia dintre …

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Romania’s Senate ratified the Small Cross Border Agreement

On Thursday, during an extraordinary session, the meeting of the Bucharest Senate ratified the Small Cross Border Agreement signed by the Government of Romania and Republic of Moldova Government on 13 November 2009, The Agreement was ratified unanimously with 90 votes “for” the Agreement signed between Romania and Republic of …

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The Committee for condemning communism has been created in the Republic of Moldova

The interim president Mihai Ghimpu of Moldova issued a decree on “constituting the Committee for studying and analyzing the totalitarian communist system in the Republic of Moldova”. The decree mentions that, regardless of the fact that in the last two decades “Republic of Moldova recorded progresses in term of building …

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