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Croatia, Slovenia Agree on EU Membership Talks

Croatia and Slovenia are ready to resolve outstanding issues blocking Zagreb’s EU membership talks, the prime ministers of the two countries Jadranka Kosor and Borut Pahor respectively said after meeting on Wednesday. “It is my wish that we resolve at least two of the three open issues prior to the …

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ICTY: Jokic to be Released From Prision

Dragan Jokic, sentenced for crimes committed in Srebrenica in 1995, should be released from prison in Austria by mid February, while seven former high ranking military and police officers await their verdict for crimes committed in the Bosnian Serb enclave. The decision to release Jokic was made by the International …

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Bosnia’s Forgotten Minorities

As Jewish and Roma officials win a major victory in Strasbourg against Bosnian constitutional discrimination, which should pave the way for the ‘Others’ to participate in government, recent history indicates that the Court’s decision is unlikely to be implemented, Anes Alic writes for ISN Security Watch. The European Court of …

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