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Turkey and Russia on way to ‘strategic partnership’

Turkey and Russia will set up a high-level strategic cooperation working group Wednesday when Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan pays a working visit to Moscow. Accompanied by five Cabinet members and a group of businessmen, the prime minister aims to boost bilateral relations, especially in the economic field. Turkey’s …

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KFOR commander criticises parallel structures

KFOR considers Serb parallel structures in Kosovo dangerous, commander General Marcus Bentler said, adding that they violate UN Resolution 1244 and are therefore considered illegal. “These structures risk stability,” Bentler said at the Italian KFOR military barracks in Peja/Pec. “We are aware of their existence, but it is up to …

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Hague: Šešelj trial set to continue

After an 11-month break, the trial before the Hague Tribunal of Serb Radical Party (SRS) leader Vojislav Šešelj continues on Tuesday. Šešelj is accused of war crimes against non-Serbs in Croatia, Vojvodina and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The prosecution is expected to bring out its last witness in the case, and the trial …

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