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Bulgaria Socialists Stir Again Turkey EU Bid Controversy

The Bulgarian official, who caused an uproar after threatening to block Turkey’s application to join the European Union unless it pays out billions of euros in compensation for displaced people, has been suspected to speak for the whole government. “Bozhidar Dimitrov’s statement is a diplomatic gaffe, but it is hardly …

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Dodik: Referendum on support for Dayton Agreement

Republic of Srpska (RS) Milorad Dodik said that a referendum will be held in the first half of 2010 on support for the Dayton Agreement. He said that the RS government is working on a referendum law for asking the people of the entity “do you support the Dayton Agreement …

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EU officials: SAA should be ratified

EU senior officials for foreign policies and enlargement, Catherine Ashton and Stefan Fule, said that the integration of the Western Balkans must be supported. Ashton, who is the EU official for EU foreign and security policies, and Fule, the European Commissioner for policies towards new member-states and cooperation with Eastern …

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