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Mesić: Why is Tadić angry?

Croatian President Stjepan Mesić said that he does not see a reason for his Serbian counterpart Boris Tadić to be angry over his visit to Kosovo. “I would have supported him coming with me here and meeting with Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu and the citizens that welcomed us whole-heartedly,” Mesić …

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Zbogar: Western Balkan countries to join EU by 2014

Instead of partly contra-productive and declarative support for future Western Balkans EU membership, EU should set a time framework for the Western Balkans’ EU entry, Slovenian Foreign Minister Samuel Zbogar said. He added that the region had took great efforts and made certain progress since the summit in Zagreb and …

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Georgia to host energy security summit next week

A high-profile summit on energy security will be held next week in Batumi, Georgia to discuss energy delivery from the Caspian Basin to world markets. The Jan. 14 summit also was to include discussions of energy security, the development of the South Caucasus energy corridor and other issues of mutual …

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