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Memorial for Serb victims in eastern Bosnia

A memorial service in the village of Kravica, near Bratunac, in eastern Bosnia, today marked the 17th anniversary of the 1993 massacre of 49 Serb villagers. The Bosnian Muslim forces from Srebrenica, led by Naser Orić, attacked the village in January 1993, to kill the villagers and burn their homes.

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“Tadić allowed to visit Kosovo”

The Kosovo Albanian government in Priština has “considered Serbian President Boris Tadić’s request to visit Kosovo”, said one of its officials. Deputy PM Ram Manaj said today that they also “decided to allow” for the visit to take place.

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Spanish ambassador on Serbia’s EU ambition

Spanish Ambassador to Belgrade Inigo Espana has announced official Madrid’s strong support to Serbia’s EU candidacy. As the country which assumed the six-month EU presidency on January 1, Spain thinks that Serbia’s candidacy should be discussed as soon as possible.

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