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Bulgaria ready to participate in both South Stream and Nabucco

Bulgaria is prepared to participate in both the South Stream and Nabucco gas line projects, Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said adding that the one that would start earlier would be the one to be joined first, without giving up the other. “Nabucco” is a priority of the European Union …

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Romania to elect president December 6

Romanian President Traian Basescu, running for re-election Sunday against social democrat Mircea Geoana, said Friday at a campaign rally the country needs a strong right-winged alliance of his democrats and liberals, who back Geoana in the race.

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Špirić zatražio smjenu Halilovića

Nikola Špirić, predsjedavajući Savjeta ministara BiH, zatražio je juče od parlamenta BiH da razriješi dužnosti Safeta Halilovića, ministra za ljudska prava i izbjeglice BiH, jer je “četiri mjeseca kočio proceduru u vezi sa ratifikacijom Konvencije UN-a o pravima lica sa invaliditetom”. “Danas sam od Parlamentarne skupštine BiH zatražio njegovo razrješenje …

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