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EU i SAD neće odustati od pomoći bh. liderima

SAD i EU neće odustati od podrške domaćim liderima da ispune uslove za pomak BiH ka članstvu u EU i NATO-u, iako preksinoć u pregovorima o reformi Ustava BiH željeni napredak nije postignut. Poručio je to jučer zamjenik američkog državnog sekretara Džejms Stajnberg po okončanju odvojenih sastanaka s liderima sedam …

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Transnistria hopes new moldovan authorities will be respecting previous accords

Transnistria hopes the new authorities in Chisinau will be abiding by the policy of continuity mandatory for a democratic state, and will be observing the accords reached by their predecessors. Transnistrian minister of foreign affairs Vladimir Yastrebchak  said.

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Sejdiu, Thaci call for “preservation of peace”

Kosovo president and prime minister Fatmir Sejdiu and Hashim Thaci called on Kosovo residents to maintain peace. They also invited them to have faith in the “effective rule of law and investigations of crimes”. “Local legislative institutions and EULEX, within the authorities they have, will take all needed measures to …

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