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Croatia Proposes Macedonia Name Row Arbitrage

The Skopje-Athens name row could be solved via international arbitrage, Croatian President Stjepan Mesic told journalists after meeting his Macedonian counterpart Georgi Ivanov on Thursday in Skopje. Croatia is nearing the end of its EU accession talks. Zagreb’s talks were stalled for almost a year when neighboring Slovenia blocked Croatia’s …

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Dosarul Palanca – de ce acum?

„Ucraina şi România sunt practic sortite să fie concurente în următorii cinci ani” (Vitali Kulik, directorul Centrului de studii pentru problemele societăţii civile din Kiev, 02.12.09) Totul a început cu vizita din 3-4 noiembrie la Chişinău a secretarului Consiliului de securitate şi apărare al Ucrainei, Larisa Bogatîriova. Cu această ocazie …

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PCRM and PDM united when it is about Moldovans from Moldova

The Communist MPs demanded again that the dismissal of the Head of Parliament Mihai Ghimpu be discussed at the sitting after he declared that Romanians live in Moldova on December 1, on Romania’s National Day. The Communists asked support from the Democratic Party (PDM). The Democratic MPs did not back …

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