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Financial aid for Serbia, Bosnia, Armenia and Georgia

European Parliament gave its backing on Tuesday for €400 million-plus in budget aid to Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Armenia and Georgia. The funds are to help these countries to finance their external balances of payments and state budget deficits.

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Bulgarian PM to open Annual International Defense and Security Business Conference

Bulgarian Prime Minister (PM) Boyko Borisov will open the Annual International Defense and Security Business Conference that will be held on November 24 and 25. The Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism and the Ministry of Defense will host the conference devoted to the offsent program. The discussion on the …

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Bulgarian President Purvanov on official visit to Greece

Bulgarian President Georgi Purvanov is on a three-day official visit to Greece starting November 24 2009 through to November 26 on an invitation from his Greek counterpart, Karolos Papoulias, a Government media statement said on November 24 2009. Both heads of state are set to hold talks with their respective …

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