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Marian Lupu to discuss Transnistria problem while in St. Petersburg

Moldovan Democratic Party Chairman MP Marian Lupu will attend a congress of Yedinaya Rossiya [United Russia] governing party to be held in St. Petersburg on Friday, and will use an opportunity to meet and talk to another guest of the congress – Chairman of the Obnovleniye [Renovation] Republican Party of …

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Prosecutor says his Mladić statement “imprecise”

Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević says Serge Brammertz did not, “in a single word”, say that Mladić is out of Serbia’s reach. Earlier this week, media in Serbia reported that Vukčević said Brammertz’s report states that “Hague fugitive and indictee Ratko Mladić is not within the reach of the …

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Serbian, Macedonian presidents meet

Serbia recognized Macedonia under its constitutional name and that position will not change, said President Boris Tadić. He made the statement after his meeting with Macedonian counterpart Gjorge Ivanov in Belgrade late on Thursday.

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