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Georgian Foreign Ministry submits protest note to Russian counterparts

The Georgian Foreign Ministry sent a protest note to the Russian Foreign Ministry. “The ministry invited Swiss Deputy Ambassador Ms. Schleicher and gave her a notification to pass to the Russian side to protest the visits of Russian Federation Security Council Secretary Deputy Yuriy Zubakov and Russian ministerial delegation representatives …

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Negotiations fail to curb tensions in Caucasus

The next round of Georgian-South Ossetian negotiations to prevent tensions in the Caucasus failed. The meeting originally scheduled for Nov. 19 was canceled by the South Ossetian side, Georgian officials reported. 

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Romania: Presidential elections at a time of crisis

The ongoing political crisis in Romania has reached a new high point, just days before the November 22 presidential elections. It is becoming increasingly evident that what is at stake is a bitter struggle between rival cliques within the ruling elite over power, influence and money. The country has been …

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