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Serbia To Hand Over EU Candidacy Request

Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic has announced that Serbia will submit its EU candidacy request by the end of the year, with aim of joining the EU in five to seven years. In an interview for the European Parliament’s official website, Jeremic said that, according to the latest polls, 70 …

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Kurdish move leads to tension in Turkish Parliament

The ruling party’s Kurdish initiative heats up Parliament as the debate comes packed with plenty of criticism of the Justice and Development Party’s efforts and what many opposition leaders are calling intentionally bad timing. Tuesday was also the anniversary of the death of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern …

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Georgia, Russia await next round of Geneva talks

The eighth round of international security consultations on the Caucasus will be held in Geneva today. A Georgian delegation headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Giorgi Bokeria has already arrived in Geneva. Bokeria said the Georgian side will raise issues to resolve security problems and thwart future kidnappings. A major topics …

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