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Ukraine cuts size of Kosovo force

Ukraine will cut a third of its contingent of soldiers in Kosovo, according to the country’s defense minister. “This is in accordance with the general tendency of KFOR to reduce its number of soldiers stationed in Kosovo,” Defense Minister Valerii Ivashchenko said.

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Albania, BiH introduce visa-free travel

Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) agreement scrapping bilateral visa requirements entered into force on Sunday. The agreement will allow Albanians and Bosnians to visit each others countries for up to 90 days without having to apply for visas, Albania’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement. Albanian foreign ministry’s spokesman Ralf Gjoni …

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Russian envoy: Bosnia no “powder keg”

Russian ambassador to Sarajevo Aleksandr Harchenko said that “he would not classify Bosnia-Herzegovina as a powder keg”. He also said that Russia supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of that country.

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