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Moldova – Dorin Chirtoaca not MP anymore

After the Parliament declares a seat of MP vacant, the Central Election Commission (CEC) has ten days to examines the substitute candidate on the list. Within 30 day of the declaration of the seat vacant, the Constitutional Court confirms the next candidate proposed by the CEC. 

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Croatia to hold presidential polls on December 27

Croatia will hold the first round of presidential elections on December 27, officials said on Friday. If none of the candidates garners more than 50 percent of the vote, the runoff election will be held on January 10, 2010. The incumbent President Stjepan Mesic’s term in office expires in early …

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Higher education to be more accessible for Armenians & Azerbaijanis in Georgia

Higher education will become more accessible for Armenians and Azerbaijanis in Georgia. Relevant amendments will be made to the Law on Higher Education. The bill, which was initiated by the government, has been already introduced to the Parliament. It aims to promote integration of Georgian citizens of Armenian and Azerbaijani …

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