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Dutch FM: No change on Serbia

Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen reiterated that Holland is adamant in its stance of not allowing Serbia to continue its European integration.

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German MEP: Serbs should make Kosovo “sustainable state”

European parliament member Doris Pack said that Serbia will not enter the European Union “until it solves its problems with Kosovo”. According to Deutsche Welle, she said at a round table discussion in Berlin that Serbia’s “biggest problem is the fact that Kosovo is its closest neighbor which it does …

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Moscow Patriarchate dignitary in Kosovo

Head of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations Archbishop Ilarion of Volokolamsk is in Gračanica, reports said. The Russian Orthodox Church dignitary said that he had come to pay tribute to one of the oldest cradles of the Orthodox Christianity, where big historic events took place.

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