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Albania to Bolster Ties with Serbia

Foreign Affairs Minister Ilir Meta, declared on Monday that Albania would move to strengthen its ties with Serbia, describing the country as an important partner for regional stability in the Balkans. “The strengthening of our relationship with Serbia is an important priority for our regional policy,” said Meta, speaking during …

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West Eyes Way Forward in Bosnia

Even after its apparent failure, an EU and US initiative to end Bosnia’s political impasse is still fostering confusion and tensions among local and international leaders as they search for a way out of the crisis. With senior EU officials scheduled to meet in Luxembourg to discuss the situation in …

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Americanii, despre R. Moldova, la Bucureşti

„Avem aceeaşi dorinţă ca ţările vecine României, inclusiv Moldova, să continue procesul de democratizare şi reformarea pieţei libere şi ne angajăm să sprijinim aceste eforturi” (Joseph Biden, vicepreşedintele SUA, 22.10.09) Faptul că vicepreşedintele american vorbeşte la Bucureşti despre RM, fără ca întrebarea să-i fi fost pusă explicit în interviul oferit …

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