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Georgian Azerbaijanis concerned by interference of Georgian NGOs in restoration of mosques

Georgian Azerbaijanis are concerned about religious interference of the Georgian government. In the village of Fahrali of Bolnisi district and in several villages in Gardabani region of Georgia, densely populated by the Azerbaijanis, some non-governmental organizations in the country prevents the restoration of old mosques and the local authorities are …

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Azerbaijan proposes to extend transport corridor within CAREC

The Azerbaijani Ministry of Transport proposed to extend the second international transport corridor within the CAREC from its passing through Georgia to Turkey and Europe at the eighth ministerial conference within the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC). 

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Georgia to host conference of Association of South Caucasus’s Municipalities

A conference of the Association of Municipalities of the South Caucasus countries will be held in Kutaisi on Oct.29-30. The two-day conference will be held upon the initiative of the Local Democracy Agency and the Congress of the regional and local municipalities of the Council of Europe, the Bureau of …

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