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RS political leaders to meet with Tadić

The leaders of seven parliamentary parties from the Republic of Srpska will be meeting with Serbian President Boris Tadić in Belgrade on Friday. The RS politicians were invited to Belgrade ahead of the next meeting in Butmir between Bosnian politicians and American and EU officials. 

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Moldova – Short-term accumulation of offices sought for MPs

The Communist faction fumes each time the nine ministers, together with Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca of Chisinau, participate in Parliament’s meetings. Members of Parliament will be able to concurrently hold a second office for a period of up to six months, under an amendment due to be considered in the legislature …

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Moldova – Parliament meeting postponed

The initiative came from Prime Minister Vlad Filat, who argued that some Cabinet members, who haven’t yet vacated their seats in Parliament, should attend the meeting with the Swedish delegation. Parliament’s meeting on Friday , October 16, has been postponed until Tuesday, October 20.

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