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Macedonian PM hopes for date of negotiations with EU

Macedonian prime minister hopes that Macedonian would receive a date for start of negotiations for membership in the European Union, now that the European Commission issued a recommendation for launch of the accession talks. In the letter sent to the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, PM Nikola …

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Head of Abkhazia to visit Gali

As part of the pre-election campaign, on Oct. 16, the leader of the puppet regime of Abkhazia, Sergei Bagapsh plans to visit Gali, Chairman of the legitimate government of the Autonomous Republic, Giorgi Baramia said at a news conference on Oct. 16.

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Reestablishment of OSCE mission in Georgia is plus for all

A reestablishment of the observers inside Abkhazia and South Ossetia will gradually realize that this is good for all parties, said Goran Lennmarker, OSCE PA President Emeritus and Special Representative on Nagorno-Karabkh and Special Envoy on Georgia. “Russians will gradually realize that this is good for all parties to have …

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