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European Commission appoints envoy for Cyprus talks

The European Commission said Friday it has appointed an envoy to assist in the U.N.-brokered Cyprus reunification talks aimed at ending 35 years of division on the island. “The president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, has decided to detach Leopold Maurer as his personal representative to the Good …

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Dileme şi false dileme la Chişinău

„Statele care au un viitor, la fel ca şi indivizii, trebuie să fie capabile să aştepte” (Lord Salisbury, 1878) Apar tot mai multe semne de întrebare legate de coerenţa şi unitatea AIE în raport cu anumite teme majore. Unele sunt întemeiate, altele, nu. Însă îngrijorările sunt deseori exagerate sau ipocrite. …

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Minefield Mayhem

Fourteen years after the war ended in Bosnia and Herzegovina, mines continue to claim lives and cause serious injuries, and it would seem that the deminer’s job is never done, Anes Alic writes for ISN Security Watch. “This is not earning for living, it is working for death,” said Habiba …

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