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Gruevski to visit Slovakia

Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski will be heading to Slovakia on Monday for talks with Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. Gruevski spearheads the government’s delegation which includes Deputy Prime Minister for EU Integration Vasko Naumovski, Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska and the Foreign Investments Agency Director Viktor Mizo.

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Serbia to launch genocide counter-suit against Croatia

Serbian government is set to file a counter-lawsuit to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Croatia alleging genocide during 1991-95 war. Serbia will sue Croatia for war crimes and ethnic cleansing committed against the Serb minority during the 1991-95 war in Croatia. The government and expert team representing Serbia …

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Georgian laborites apply to Brussels & Washington to launch investigation into Saakashvili

The Laborites believe that based on the conclusion by Tagliavini’s commission, the Georgian President should be recognized as a war criminal and appear before the Hague Tribunal, the International Secretary of the Labor Party, Nestan Kirtadze said at anews conference on Oct. 5. She said the commission had caught Saakashvili …

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