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Serbia and Slovenia Mull Cooperation

The presidents of Serbia and Slovenia, Boris Tadic and Danilo Turk, have underlined their countries’ warm relations and the importance of economic and cultural cooperation. Addressing Slovenian reporters after his parlay with Turk, Tadic said he expected Slovenia to continue supporting Serbia’s EU integration process, which is Belgrade’s main political …

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Politička imenovanja

Menadžeri u telekom operaterima ili velikim građevinskim kompanijama treba da budu obrazovani, uspješni, sposobni i imaju viziju razvoja. Reference su to koje važe u normalnim zemljama. BiH, kao što svi znamo, nije jedna od normalnih zemalja. Nabrojane reference za uspješne menadžere u BiH su u drugom planu. Politički dogovor o …

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Jeremić in Moscow on October 5

FM Vuk Jeremić is to visit Moscow on October 5 as part of the preparations for Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s visit to Serbia later that month. This is according to a statement released by Jeremić’s office.

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