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Turkey becomes hot topic in Greek elections

Relations with Turkey have become a hot topic amid Greek election campaigning with both the governing and opposition parties sharpening their anti-Turkish rhetoric as election day draws near. While supporting Turkey’s EU membership bid during his embattled premiership, New Democracy Party, or NDP, leader and Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis has …

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Putin signs decree to build nuke plant in Kaliningrad region

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has signed a decree to build a 2,300MW Baltic nuclear power plant in the country’s westernmost Kaliningrad region. Under the document the first nuclear power generating unit will be built in 2010-2016, the second one – in 2012-2018. Russian and foreign investors will be engaged …

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EU steps up Georgia patrols before war report

On the eve of a European Union report on who started the Russia-Georgia war, EU monitors have stepped up their patrols in Georgia to try to keep tensions from boiling over into violence, an official said Tuesday. The August 2008 war ended with Russian soldiers driving Georgian forces out of …

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