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Bulgaria’s interest in nuclear power

Bulgaria is to press forward with constructing the Belene nuclear power station should finding issues be resolved. Belene was begun in 1987, but a lack of finance halted the project by 1991.

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Macedonia’s DUI Considers Leaving Government

The ethnic Albanian Democratic Union for Integration, DUI, might leave the government if the prime minister fails to clearly condemn a controversial Macedonian encyclopaedia. Referring to his party’s leader, DUI Vice President Rafiz Aliti told reporters Monday: “If [Ali] Ahmeti decides, we are ready to leave our posts at once.”

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EC: Serbia Making Progress on Visa Liberalisation

European Commission, EC, Vice-President Jacques Barrot says the EC will suggest that the EU Council include Serbia in the bloc’s visa-free regime should a technical mission’s report prove positive. “Serbian Interior Ministry Ivica Dacic handed me a report on Serbia’s progress on the visa liberalisation roadmap this morning, which Serbia …

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