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Romania President Calls for Referendum

Romania’s President Traian Basescu late Thursday called for a referendum that would pave the way for the introduction of single chamber parliament, arguing that the current system is too cumbersome and slow. He suggested that the referendum should take place on 22 November, the same day the presidential elections are …

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Croatian President at Odds With Church

Croatia’s President Stepjan Mesic welcomed the visit by Croatia’s top prelate Cardinal Josip Bozanic to the notorious World War II concentration camps this week, but commented that the visit should have come ‘much earlier’. Bozanic, accompanied by some 400 priests, set out on a historic pilgrimage to visit the sites …

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Serbia Says All Visa Conditions Met

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic announced that the government on Firday sent its official report to the European Commission showing that it has met all the conditions for the lifting of the visa regime. Speaking at a round table titled “Towards the White Schengen List“, Djelic explained that the …

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