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Archaeologists find remains of Trojan war – era couple

Archaeologists in the ancient city of Troy in Turkey have found the remains of a man and a woman believed to have died in 1,200 B.C., the time of the legendary war chronicled by Homer, a leading German professor said on Tuesday.

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US-Russia atomic arms pact possible by December – Medvedev

Russia and the United States could agree on a new treaty on reducing their nuclear arsenals by December, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday after talks with U.S. President Barack Obama. “The work is under way,” Medvedev told reporters. “A good start allowed us to hope that our teams …

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European Patrols Brace for Rise in Tension Over Report on 2008 War in Georgia

European Union monitors are stepping up their patrols in Georgia ahead of the release of a much anticipated report on the origins of last year’s war in South Ossetia, in case the report’s conclusions reignite tensions around the breakaway territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. There has been heated speculation …

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