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Nametnut set zakona za Brčko

Visoki predstavnik međunarodne zajednice za BiH nametnuo je jučer Zakon o podjeli sredstava koje je BiH dobila sukcesijom bivše SFRJ po kojem će oko 170,9 miliona KM podijeliti država, entiteti i distrikt Brčko. Zakon o raspodjeli sredstava od sukcesije dio je paketa mjera koje je jučer, koristeći se bonskim ovlastima, …

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Edward Abrahamyan: Armenian authorities have forgotten about northern Lori

GEORGIA Northern Lori, i.e. the southern part of Georgian Kvemo Kartli region, which is partially populated with Armenians is forgotten not only by Armenian society but also authorities, Edward Abrahamyan, expert at Mitk analytical centre said. 

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Independent Experts Blame Georgia for South Ossetia War

GEORGIA An EU expert commission has put the blame for last summer’s South Ossetia war on Georgia, but also holds Russia partly responsible, SPIEGEL has learned. The findings, which are still under wraps, are likely to reignite the debate on the causes of the war when they are published. The …

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