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Three new municipalities to be created in Kosovo

KOSOVO Pieter Feith says that three new Kosovo municipalities and one expanded one will be constituted straight after the local elections on November 15. According to the International Civilian Representative’s (ICR) press bureau, Feith said that preparations were complete in the new municipalities of Gračanica, Klokot-Vrbovac, Ranilug, as well as …

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Canada won’t participate in ICJ oral debate

KOSOVO Canada will not be taking part in the oral debate on the legality of Kosovo’s unilaterally declared independence at the ICJ. Although, as a NATO member, Canada took part in the air strikes on the then Yugoslavia in 1999 and subsequently participated in peace building and civilian projects in …

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“Koštunica expects early elections”

SERBIA Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) leader Vojislav Koštunica expects early elections, after which the current opposition would take power. “Great pressure from aggrieved, impoverished and disenchanted citizens will force the authorities to call early parliamentary elections, and the opposition to unite and create a new, nationally responsible government,” Koštunica …

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