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Bulgaria may give Belene nuke project a chance

BULGARIA The Belene nuclear power project should be given a chance but without the state committing any taxpayers’ money, said Bulgarian energy minister Traycho Traykov. Speaking to Nova Television on Tuesday, he explained that the power station could be built without any commitments on the part of the Bulgarian government. …

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Medvedev: U.S. blocking Russia’s WTO entry

RUSSIA Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday accused the United States of “blocking” Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization. Medvedev also denied claims that he and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin are at odds over how Russia should seek entry into the WTO. He made the remarks at a meeting …

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Serbian Minister Says Visa Conditions Fulfilled

SERBIA Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dacic says that Serbia has fulfilled all the conditions required for EU visa liberalisation, Fonet news agency reported on Tuesday. “I am sure that Serbia has met all the conditions and that a positive decision will be taken by the European Commission, EC, at the …

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