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IMF deal ‘not tied to Istanbul summit’

TURKEY The International Monetary Fund’s goal of reaching agreement with Turkey for a possible loan to the country doesn’t have to be achieved at the lender’s annual meeting next month in Istanbul, an IMF spokesman said. “Both the Turkish authorities and the IMF would like to reach a conclusion regarding …

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EU – Croatia’s membership is both region’s and Union’s interest

CROATIA The Swedish Presidency over the EU welcomed today the agreement between Ljubljana and Zagreb for unblocking of the Croatian pre-accession talks, emphasizing that the Croatian entrance is of interest of the entire Union.

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Balkan remains important to USA

BALKANS Although the United States is not focused on the Balkans as it was in the 1990s, the challenges in this region are still reviewed at a very high level in Washington, a prominent US political expert said. John Stilides, a political strategist of the Republican Party and chairman of …

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