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PCRM says early elections possible

MOLDOVA The Communists Party (PCRM) does not rule out the possibility of new early legislative elections. This topic was discussed at Wednesday΄s plenary meeting of the PCRM. The Communist MP Vladimir Turcan said that there is a 50% probability that early elections will take place. “At today΄s meeting, we will …

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Supreme Court to hear Ulemek appeal

SERBIA The Supreme Court is to consider the appeals of Milorad Ulemek and Zvezdan Jovanović, found guilty of the murder of late Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić. The Supreme Court’s public session, where it is due to consider the appeal, is scheduled for September 8 in the special courtroom at the …

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Srebrenica trial enters final stage

HOLLAND The trial of seven former Republic of Srpska Army (VSR) officers, accused of genocide and war crimes, will hear closing arguments at the Hague Tribunal. The prosecutor will start his final argument today, at the end of a process that started in July 2006. RFE reports that the court …

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