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Thaci vows to step up rebuilding work

KOSOVO Kosovo PM Hashim Thaci says that the provincial government will continue to allocate funds for all those wishing to return to their homes in northern KM. Kosovo media report that Thaci said that the government would cooperate with “all the relevant factors“ so that reconstruction of houses in that …

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Hague: Karadžić damages claim “too early”

HOLLAND The Hague Tribunal says Radovan Karadžić’s motion to have his sentence reduced or to receive damages for his “illegal arrest in Serbia” last year is too early. Karadžić is accused of genocide and crimes against humanity against Muslims and Croats and of taking international hostages during the war in …

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Serbia, IMF set to close agreement

SERBIA IMF representatives are set to end talks with Serbian officials on Tuesday on the second revision of the standby arrangement of €2.9 billion. The two sides are to hold a press conference today to announce the results of the agreement on Serbia’s economic policy for 2009 and 2010. So …

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