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Possibility of permanent division getting stronger in Cyprus

TURKEY In the wake of the second round of talks between Turkish Cyprus and Greek Cyprus that are due to resume on Sept. 3, Turkish Cyprus President Mehmet Ali Talat said the possibility of the division on the island to be permanent was getting stronger. “The talks cannot go on …

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Milososki: Greece may block Macedonia’s EU bid

MACEDONIA, GREECE Greece has toughened its stance in the dispute over Macedonia’s name, making it more likely to block Macedonia’s EU entry bid, Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki said. Milososki made the remarks in an interview for Reuters on the sidelines of a regional security conference in Slovenia. Greece had …

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BiH’s NATO entry easier than EU entry

BiH It’s hard to expect quick progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) towards EU, while the country’s progress towards NATO is more certain, senior official said. The Chairman of BiH collective presidency, Zeljko Komsuc, made the remarks, adding that Sarajevo must improve the cooperation with neighboring countries. BiH’s main problem …

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