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Borissov and his party soar in Bulgarian opinion polls

BULGARIA Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borissov, whose Cabinet took office on July 27 2009, finds himself a month later with a 64 per cent approval rating and his party GERB with an even stronger lead over the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) than at the July national parliamentary elections. This emerges …

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Bozhidar Dimitrov cancels visit to Macedonia

BULGARIA Bulgarian Minister without portfolio Bozhidar Dimitrov will not visit Macedonia today, Macedonian Dnevnik newspaper writes. Instead of coming to the town of Prilep, where he was supposed to attend the inauguration of the restored Bulgarian-German cemetery, Dimitrov will go to a festival of arts in Bulgarian coastal town of …

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Bulgaria ready to buy 2.5 m2 of natural gas from Turkmenistan

BULGARIA Bulgaria is ready to buy 2.5 m2 of natural gas from Turkmenistan, said Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov after official ceremony on signing three documents between Bulgaria and Turkmenistan. Bulgarian head of state said this is an expression of gratitude towards Turkmenistan over the assessment Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow gave …

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