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Topićeva na čelu DEI od 1. septembra

BiH Agencija za državnu službu BiH imenovala je Lidiju Topić za direktora Direkcije za evropske integracije BiH (DEI), koja će na dužnost stupiti 1. septembra ove godine. “Vijeće ministara BiH nije postiglo saglasnost o imenovanju direktora Direkcije za evropske integracije BiH u zakonskom roku od 30 dana od okončanja konkursa. …

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AEI leaders say they are ready for dialogue with PCRM

MOLDOVA The leaders of the Alliance for European Integration (AEI) had a meeting on Monday evening and discussed the principles of the dialogue with the Communist Party (PCRM) scheduled for August 25. But this dialogue may not take place. “We agreed on the procedure that we will follow at the …

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PCRM might vote for Marian Lupu if he is proposed for head of state by wide left-wing coalition

MOLDOVA The Communists Party formulated its offer for the formation of a left-wing coalition and the principles according to which they could vote for a head of state at a closed-door meeting on Monday. The Communists decided they will vote for the PLDM Marian Lupu if he is fielded for …

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