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Romanian government drafts measures to boost economy

ROMANIA The Romanian government is prepared to assume responsibility for several measures aimed at stimulating the country’s economy, including the tax-free reinvested profit and amendments to the law on investments, Economy Minister Adriean Videanu said Monday. Videanu said the set of measures will translate into a budget effort of nearly …

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Romanian Presidential elections most likely held on November 22, says leftist senator

ROMANIA Romanian social democrat senator Olguta Vasilescu said Monday the social democrats and the democrat liberals agreed on running presidential elections on November 22, a final decision being made in the Government meeting. Vasilescu said it is almost certain the election will be organized on this date, as this was …

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Customs and tax authorities to check Bulgaria’s EU borders

BULGARIA Customs and tax officials will be checking all goods entering or leaving Bulgaria to and from its two European Union neighbours Greece and Romania, Bulgarian-language Trud daily said on August 24 2009. Checks will cover all nine of Bulgaria’s border checkpoints with the EU. Since January 2007, when Bulgaria …

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