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Macedonia Has Tight EU Agenda

SKOPJE, Macedonia New legislation, reforming the functioning of parliament in line with EU accession pre-conditions, looks set to feature on the agenda of Monday’s legislative session. After a short summer break, Macedonia’s legislators have until September 15 to pass a series of laws that the European Commission, EC, has set …

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Romanian Coalition Agrees on Anti-Crisis Measures

BUCHAREST, Romania Romania’s squabbling governing coalition agreed on Monday to put aside its differences, agreeing 32 anti-crisis measures that will be enforced on September 1. Prime Minister Emil Boc’s Democrat-Liberals (PD-L) and the Social Democrat Party (PSD) agreed to increase budget revenues, to cut budget spending and to increase liquidity …

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Incko zatražio podatke o imovini

SARAJEVO, BANJALUKA Valentin Incko, visoki predstavnik za BiH, zatražio je juče od zemljišnoknjižnih ureda i katastara da pripreme sve informacije o državnoj imovini kako bi bio ubrzan njen popis, saopšteno je iz OHR-a. “Visoki predstavnik je uputio pismo zemljišnoknjižnim uredima i katastrima u BiH u kojem traži da pripreme sve …

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