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Dialogue with Communists – yes, talks – excluded, AEI

MOLDOVA Political leaders expressed satisfaction with the developments and optimism that they will manage to elect a new head of state and a new democratic government. The political leaders of the Alliance for European Integration (AEI) continued the discussions on Thursday at the head office of the Moldova Noastra Alliance …

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Local elections in two Kosovo municipalities

BELGRADE, Serbia The Serbian government has called early local elections for Sunday in two municipalities in Kosovo, reports said on Wednesday. Voters will cast their ballots for municipal authorities of Priština, which have been dislocated to Gračanica, and Peć, moved to Goraždevac.

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EU critical of Putin visit to Georgia’s breakaway region

Stockholm – The European Union on Thursday criticized Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s recent visit to the Georgian breakaway region of Abkhazia. ‘The EU does not consider this visit compatible with the principle of territorial integrity nor helpful for the international efforts to stabilise the region,’ said a statement issued …

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