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Socialiştii şi democraţii europeni încurajează completarea AIE cu o formulă adecvată pentru alegerea preşedintelui RM

MOLDOVA Grupul socialiştii şi democraţilor din Parlamentul European salută crearea „Alianţei pentru Integrarea Europeană” (AIE) în R. Moldova dintre patru partide parlamentare, se menţionează într-o declaraţie a vicepreşedintelui grupului, Adrian Severin. „Salutăm ştirea potrivit căreia PLDM, PL, PDM şi AMN – partide reprezentate în Parlamentul moldovean – au format o …

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Alliance for European Integration proposes to reduce number of ministries

MOLDOVA The representatives of the four parties do not say what ministries will be dissolved or merged, as well as they did not speak about setting up new ministries. The ruling coalition – the Alliance for European Integration, which consists of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (LDPM), the Liberal …

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Communist Party waiting for proposals from ruling coalition

MOLDOVA The ruling coalition said that the sides have not agreed upon a concrete candidature for the time being. The Communist Party, which gained 48 out of 101 parliamentary mandates, is waiting for proposals from the ruling coalition – the Alliance for European Integration, which consists of the Liberal Democratic …

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