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NATO Could Withdraw from Kosovo in Four Years

The new head of NATO has said that its Kosovo force could be completely withdrawn within four years. Anders Rasmussen, NATO’s new secretary general, said he wanted to see Kosovo Force, KFOR, “reduced to just a small reaction force, or out altogether” within his four-year term.

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Russia Casts Shadow Over Aspiring Abkhaz State

The four-wheel drive sweeps past the group of Russian tourists climbing to the ruins of the Anakopia fortress overlooking what Abkhazia says was once the capital of its ancient kingdom. Alkhas Argun steps out to inspect his work, restoring the pale stone walls of the fortress, a symbol of the …

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Serbia: Ethnic Albanians Seek “Presevo Valley Region”

Ethnic Albanian officials in southern Serbia have launched a new initiative for the formation of a separate region in the Presevo Valley with its own institutions and organs. The proposal was raised in the assembly of the Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac municipalities and envisages the creation of an ethnic Albanian-led …

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